5G New Radio User Plane Simulation Model for INET & OMNeT++

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Simu5G Plug-and-Play

If you cannot wait to try Simu5G... COOL! You are in the right place!

You can download the following Virtual Machine appliance, import it into your favorite virtualization software (e.g. Oracle Virtualbox, VMWare Player), and start simulating! You do not need to carry out the complete installation procedure, we already did the boring stuff for you ;)

Download Simu5G 1.2.1 PnP

This VM includes Ubuntu 20.04, with OMNeT++ 6.0, INET 4.4.0, Simu5G 1.2.1. We also included Veins 5.2 in case you want to simulate 5G-enabled vehicular networks.

How to import the VM

This guide assumes you have Oracle Virtualbox 6.1 installed on your machine.

  1. Open Virtualbox, then click File -> Import Appliance...
  2. In the dialog window, browse your file system and select the downloaded file (with .ova extension). Then, click Next.
  3. Check the VM configuration, then click Import.
  4. Select the new VM on the left side of the Virtualbox main window, then click Start.

Running a simulation

  1. From the main screen of the VM, click on the OMNeT++ icon on the left bar. This will launch the OMNeT++ IDE.
  2. In the project explorer, on the left side, select Simu5G > simulations > NR.
  3. Select one of the examples and click 'Run' on the toolbar. Note: if you want to run the 'cars' example, you first need to launch SUMO by clicking the corresponding icon in the left bar.
  4. Enjoy! :)

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